منتديات الحلم الجزائري
منتديات الحلم الجزائري
منتديات الحلم الجزائري
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات الحلم الجزائري

موقع عام يهتم بأدق تفاصيل المجتمع الجزائري
معلومات عنك انت متسجل الدخول بأسم {زائر}. آخر زيارة لك . لديك0مشاركة.  
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 Abdullah bin Abbas

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو محترف
عضو محترف

~*.الجنــــس.*~ : ذكر
~*عدد المســــهمآت*~ : 704
نقاط : 1306
sms: : Abdullah bin Abbas 18245

Abdullah bin Abbas Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Abdullah bin Abbas   Abdullah bin Abbas Emptyالجمعة سبتمبر 11, 2009 6:51 pm

[left]Ink nation

Abdullah bin Abbas

It Alsahabi Jalil Abdullah bin Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - a cousin of the Prophet (born - may Allah be pleased with him - three years before the migration, and swore allegiance to the Prophet of God (which is not a dream, and emigrated with his parents to the city prior to the opening of Mecca.

The son of Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - love of science from a young age, accept it and pay attention memory and understanding and study, and that has intensified its promises so that people know the interpretation of the Koran and the provisions of the year cleared, the people come from everywhere to learn the provisions of the debt on his hands. Called him Allah (saying: (O Vqha in religion) [Al-Bukhari], and the assistance of an interpreter was called the Koran.

The title of ink to the large book of God and his Messenger (and is told that he was in seclusion in the mosque, the Prophet (, Votah man on the face signs of grief and sorrow, asking about the reason for sadness; said to him: Oh, a cousin of the Prophet of God, the person on the right and loyalty, and the sanctity of the grave (Ie the tomb of the Prophet () What I appreciate it; he said to him: How do you not Okelmh? Man said: If you would like; So Ibn Abbas, Phelps Nolh, and then left the mosque, said his men: Did you forget where you are?! (Ie you do not retreat You can get out of the mosque).

Individual, saying: No, but I heard the author of this tomb (near the Covenant - Vdmat his eyes - he says: (who walked in need of his brother, and it had been a good ten years of retreats, and observing i'tikaaf during the day in order to face God, God make him The three-fire between the trenches beyond Alkhafiqin (Eastern and Western))

[Tabaraani and al ruler].

The love of his fellow Muslims, is in the district of their business, and says: Because the count of the Muslim people of the house months or Friday or, God willing, I like to excuse after excuse, and gift Ohdia brother to me to love God of dinars spent for the sake of God. The Omar - may Allah be pleased with him - like Abdullah bin Abbas and Iqrabh of its Board and consulted in all its affairs, and take his opinion despite the young age, people Fab immigrants on Omar, Omar said to them: The Sorikm today than I know what grace, Omar Vsolhm (If the interpretation of Al-Nasrallah and the opening), said some of them: God Nabih if the people entering the religion of Allah in crowds and that Ihmayor Istgfarh, said Omar: Oh, Ibn Abbas, spoke. Abdullah said: I know Messenger of God (Matthew dies, namely: it is a sign Motk Fastad, Vsobh praise your Lord and Astgfarh. [Al-Bukhari and Ahmad, Al-Naim Abu Tabaraani].

And Saad bin Abi Waqas - may Allah be pleased with him - says that Ibn Abbas: "I never saw anyone they come, and have turned Huelva (reason), not more informed, in a wider dream of the son of Abbas, I saw him for life dilemmas says: came dilemma, Then up to him and saying to the people of Badr. [Son Saad]. The woman, Aisha - may Allah be pleased about - says: I know from Ibn Abbas remained the pilgrimage.

The son of Abbas maintains the night, and read the Koran, and do a lot of crying from the fear of God, and modest know the companions of the Prophet (them and respect them and Iazmanm, One day, Zaid ibn Thabit wanted - may Allah be pleased with him - that riding Nagueth speediest Abbas, the son of a Inej camels, he said Has increased: Tnej me my cousin camels Messenger of God?! Individual by the son of Abbas, saying: So hurry to take passengers Kpraina.

Abbas was the son of a decent horse, and once took Abu Ayyub al-Ansari Basra when he was the son of a prince by Abbas, Abbas's son took him to his home and said to him: for your Osnan also made with the Messenger of Allah (, hosting Abbas Ibn good hospitality. Ibn Abbas attended the battle grades, and In the army of Imam Ali, son of Abbas to accept the science of worship and even death in Attah (67 e), when out of the city, meaning Taif, at the age (70) years, and the blessings of Imam Mohammed bin tap, and buried with us he says: Today, Matt Rabbani This nation.

The son of Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - one of the most novel companions of the Prophet (bringing his Musnad (1660) recently, as more of the Sahaba, accordingly, with jurisprudence distinguish it from other companions.
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Abdullah bin Abbas
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