منتديات الحلم الجزائري
منتديات الحلم الجزائري
منتديات الحلم الجزائري
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات الحلم الجزائري

موقع عام يهتم بأدق تفاصيل المجتمع الجزائري
معلومات عنك انت متسجل الدخول بأسم {زائر}. آخر زيارة لك . لديك0مشاركة.  
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  


 Terrorism in Islam

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

~*.الجنــــس.*~ : انثى
~*عدد المســــهمآت*~ : 667
نقاط : 1005000972
~التبآدلــ الإعلآنيــ~ : منتديات الزمردات بنات*بنات
sms: : Terrorism in Islam 641

Terrorism in Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Terrorism in Islam   Terrorism in Islam Emptyالأحد أغسطس 16, 2009 11:05 pm

Salaam Alekom

I want to share with you the wonderful book about

Terrorism In Islam

Researcher : Adel Abdullah Al-Abed Al-Jabbar

American University in London


you can found the book as attached file with this page

this is the introduction of this book introduction

Terrorism in Islam

A scientific thesis as other group of scientific thesis s that clarify
the clear Islam attitude towards terrorism. It shows the Sharia' ruling
that forbids the attack and violence against safe people at their homes
and societies. Islam has protected that and prevented any harm to them
even by indication of terror.

Terrorism: International phenomenon from which many non-Islamic and
Islamic countries have complained and suffered. These countries wish to
live in peace and far away from terrorism. Terrorists commit severe
crimes and sins when they kill peaceful people and destroy properties
by tripping vehicles by explosives to threaten and kill people. They do
not consider young, old, sick or disabled people, but they corrupt life
and such acts are hated and forbidden by Allah.

Terrorism is bad in whole, resulting in destruction, corruption and
sadness. The terrorist has deviated mind, psychologically diseased,
absent-minded, defeated in his personality, telling lies and jealous to
others. He hates his nation and its development. All world hated all
terrorism operations which do not distinguish between nation,
nationality, religion, scholarship, time, or place. All feelings refuse
and deny terrorism operations which are beyond the permitted and
reasonable limits. They go beyond the teachings of religions,
regulations, and prevailing laws. The word "terrorism" is limited in
the commitment of killing, threatening, kidnapping, spoilage.

Since the events of 11 Sept. I have the honor to present programs in
the Saudi TV talking about terrorism and the Islamic attitude towards
that. Regretfully we have witnessed some violence incidents in our
country. The blasts harmed and did not benefit, killed and did not give
life. Therefore, I had to spread the right thing among the people
through available mass media. These scientific researches are a group
of thesis s to get doctorate degree in Terrorism and the Islamic
Attitude towards that from the American University in London.

This thesis is a human effort which may be subject to rightness and
wrong. I tried to apply scientific research in dividing the subjects
into Section s, chapters, researches, requirements, and issues. The
,,,,s have been ,,,,,,,,ed and referred to their references and to
verses of Quran have been referred to their chapters. Al-Hadeeth
(Prophet Sayings) have been briefly tracked and ,,,,,,,,ed. If there
are any faults and shortages, they shall be attributed to me. I hope
that this thesis will benefit all people and I ask them to send me any
comments and remarks that can be rectified during printing.


Adel Abdullah Al-Abed Al-Jabbar

P.O. Box 56 Riyadh 11392

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Terrorism in Islam
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